Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Protect Your Baby's Sensitive, New Skin With Natural Baby Skin Care

by: Jerrick Foo

Use these natural baby skin care tips to protect your baby's sensitive, new skin.

Characteristics of baby skin

It is essential to be very careful with your baby’s skin care. In the first stages of our life, the skin is very delicate, fragile and thin. Baby’s skin is different in functions and structure than the skin of an adult. It has high water content, allows low sweat production and the protection through sebum is almost inexistent.

The babies are very sensitive to temperature changes, unsuitable humidity or harmful and irritating substances. Consider using natural baby skin care products as they are more gentle for your baby's skin. But before you flash out your money, try to compare prices for natural baby skin care and shop around for the best deals first.

Lotions and oils?

Contrary to popular thought, the babies do not need lotions unless their skin is dry. Oils and lotions will not allow your baby’s skin to sweat and can cause a rash or an allergic reaction. Powders should be avoided not only for the effect they have on the skin. Their tiny particles can provoke breathing troubles. If you have to use a powder put it in your hand and then apply it to the baby's skin.


Babies enjoy being massage. In fact is a very important part of their growth. For you baby’s skin the benefits are huge. The massage stimulates circulation, immune system and tactile sense. Use baby massage oil but pour it onto your palms. Be careful with the room’s temperature (78 degrees Fahrenheit) and humidity.


Proper bathing and skin care will maintain the baby’s delicate skin healthy. Newborns don’t need bathing very often (2-4 times a week). Their skin can’t get very dirty if you change their diapers frequently.Sponge baths are required at first. Until the baby's umbilical cord falls off, this area should be avoided to prevent infections. Use only cotton wool or soft washcloths and baby soap/shampoo. Products for adults may contain irritant substances or allergens.

Diaper rash

The soap you use, some brands of disposable diapers or simply dirty diapers can cause skin irritations. Most diaper rashes are provoked by skin irritations. The best way to treat this “disease” is to clean well the area and to let the skin get some air. You should also change the diapers often and use ointments with zinc oxide.

Baby Acne

Acne is very common among newborns. Usually it shows up after 2 or 3 weeks after birth and is present on cheeks, forehead and chin. Baby acne usually clears up on its own, but most parents make the mistake to use oil or lotions. All you need to do is gently cleanse the affected areas with water once a day. You can also use soft blue light when your baby is sleeping as a treatment.

Sun: friend or foe?

While our bodies produce vitamin D when the skin is touched by sunlight, to much exposure can cause sun burns. Baby’s skin is very sensitive and babies under six months should spend very little time under direct sunlight. However, you should not keep your child locked inside the house. Use sun hats, sunglasses and protective clothing.

Your baby’s skin is very sensitive and delicate. we hope that the above natural baby skin care tips can help you to protect your baby's skin better.

About The Author

Jerrick Foo has been researching and developing all dry skin care the purpose of offering men and women safe, dry skin care tips. He have created Dry Skin Care Guide to share his 10 years of combined expertise with you. Visit for essential skin care tips.

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